hello Scarlett--welcome to the forum.
first off--youve already got the difficult bit out of the way--telling your mum...and--she hasnt "thrown you out" yet. Just ask her for more time till you can afford to get a place of your own...if thats what you want. In other words--take control of the situation.
What kind of person is your dad ? Do you have a good close relationship with him ? Is he likely to be supportive towards you if you talk to him ? Or is he a typical JW fringe male--going along with it because he likes ma's cooking ?
as regards the window cleaners--the elders--sure--if they want to meet with you--agree to it. find out for yourself what they want. just dont tell them your thoughts and feelings.
if they decide to d/f you--fine--see what effect that has on your dad--and mum. might be just what they need.
do stay in touch with us.